Corporate governance

Corporate governance

Based on our corporate philosophy of Symbiosis in which scientists, doctors, governments, and shareholders support each other with patients at the center, we shed light on the “Underserved Therapeutic Areas” and develop excellent pharmaceuticals as soon as possible. By developing and supplying these products, we will contribute to the health and welfare of people around the world and to the improvement of medical care.
Recognizing that the pursuit of this corporate philosophy will enhance our corporate value, we will maintain high ethical standards while strengthening corporate governance, building and operating an internal control system appropriately, and furthermore, ensuring compliance. We also strive to ensure thorough risk management, efficient management, and sound management.
On March 29, 2022, the Company transitioned to a company with an audit and supervisory committee, and is working to further enhance its corporate governance.

Basic system

The Company has established a Board of Directors and an Audit and Supervisory Committee as stipulated in the Companies Act.


SymBio Basic Structure

Status of the Board of Directors


Status of the Audit and Supervisory Committee

The Audit and Supervisory Committee attends meetings of the Board of Directors and other important meetings in accordance with audit policies, audit plans, division of duties, etc., receives reports on the performance of duties from directors and employees, requests explanations, and provides opinions It also audits the status of execution of duties by directors and the status of construction and operation of internal control systems.
In principle, the Audit and Supervisory Committee meets once a month, and extraordinary meetings are held as necessary.
The Audit and Supervisory Committee consists of three members (all of whom are outside directors), one of whom is a full-time Audit and Supervisory Committee member.

Exective Management Committee

Important matters concerning the Company's management and business strategies are discussed at Executive Management Committee meetings, convening twice per month to ensure the smooth business operation.

Internal Audit status

SymBio Pharmaceuticals has an Internal Audit Division which is under direct supervision by the President and CEO, and headed by a dedicated Manager. The Internal Audit Division Manager is responsible for auditing the operations of Departments in accordance with internal audit plans adopted for each term, internal audit regulations and any other applicable rules. The Manager reports the results of Department audits and improvement measures to the President and CEO. The Internal Audit Division indicates areas identified as requiring improvement in relevant Departments along with proposals for improvement, and confirms the status of improvement on an ongoing basis.

External Audit status

SymBio has entered into an auditing contract with Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC, selected at the Shareholders Meeting, to audit the Company's accounting records as stipulated in the Companies Act and the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act.  

Cooperation between Audit & Supervisory Committee Members, the Internal Audit Division and the external auditing firm

The Audit and Supervisory Committee receives reports on the audit plan and audit results for each fiscal year from the Accounting Auditor, and exchanges information as necessary to maintain close cooperation. They receive reports on the internal audit plan and internal audit results for the fiscal year, and exchange information as necessary to maintain close cooperation.

Internal control system to ensure appropriate operations

In order to maintain the soundness of our corporate governance, we have established the following basic policy regarding our internal control system and are executing our duties.

1. 取締役・使用人の職務の執行が法令および定款に適合することを確保するための体制

  1. 経営理念の周知・徹底
  2. 内部統制委員会の設置
  3. 内部監査室の設置
  4. コンプライアンス・ホットラインの設置
  5. 財務報告の信頼性を確保するための体制

2. 取締役の職務の執行に係る情報の保存および管理に関する体制

3. 損失の危険の管理に関する規程その他の体制

4. System to ensure efficient execution of duties by directors

  1. 取締役および使用人は、「取締役会規程」および「決裁規程」等に基づき適正かつ効率的に職務を執行する。
  2. In order to contribute to timely and accurate decision-making by the Reprentative Director, the Company shall regularly hold a Management Executive Committee to deliberate on important agenda items based on the "Management Executive Committee Regulations".
  3. The Company formulates a medium- to long-term management plan and develops its business. In addition, numerical targets are set in the business plan for each fiscal year, and the achievement status is managed and reported to the directors through monthly settlement of accounts.

5. 反社会的勢力等の排除に向けた基本的な考え方

6. 監査等委員会の職務を補助すべき使用人等に関する事項

7. 監査等委員会の職務を補助する使用人等の取締役(監査等委員である取締役を除く。)からの独立および監査等委員会の指示の実効性の確保に関する事項

  1. 監査等委員会の業務を補助する使用人等は、その補助業務に関しては監査等委員会以外からの指揮命令を受けない。
  2. The prior consent of the Audit and Supervisory Committee shall be obtained for personnel evaluations, personnel transfers, disciplinary action, etc. of employees who assist the Audit and Supervisory Committee.

8. Systems for directors and employees to report to the Audit and Supervisory Committee, other systems for reporting to the Audit and Supervisory Committee, and systems to ensure that audits by the Audit and Supervisory Committee are conducted effectively

  1. 取締役および使用人は、当社に著しい損害または影響を及ぼす事実を発見した場合には直ちに監査等委員会に報告する。
  2. In order to understand the important decision-making process and the status of business execution, the Audit and Supervisory Committee attends meetings of the Board of Directors, executive management meetings and other important meetings, and inspects important approval documents and contracts. You can carry out all matters that you judge necessary for audit.
  3. 監査等委員会は、業務執行取締役および重要な職責にある使用人から会社事業 の運営状況について情報を得るために個別に聞き取りを実施することができる。
  4. The Audit and Supervisory Committee regularly exchanges opinions with Reprentative Director and the accounting auditor.
  5. 当社は、監査等委員会に報告を行ったものに対し、報告を行ったことを理由とするいかなる不利益な処遇または不当な処分を行わない。

9. 監査等委員の職務の執行(監査等委員会の職務の執行に関するものに限る。)について生ずる費用の前払または償還の手続その他の当該職務の執行について生ずる費用または債務の処理に係る方針に関する事項

  1. 監査等委員がその職務の執行について、会社法399条の2に基づく費用の前払い等の請求をしたときは、会社は当該請求に係る費用または債務が監査等委員の職務の執行に必要でないことが明らかである場合を除き、遅滞なく当該費用を負担し、または当該債務を処理する。
  2. 監査等委員がその職務の執行に関し弁護士、公認会計士等の外部専門家に意見を求め、または助言を得ることが必要と判断した場合には、会社はその費用の支出を認め負担する。

10. 当社および子会社から成る企業集団における業務の適正を確保するための体制

  1. 「シンバイオ企業行動憲章」を全てのグループ会社に適用し、これらに基づくグループ会社の行動規準とあわせて、その周知徹底を図る。
  2. 当社グループの業務執行が適正に行われるよう、下記の諸点に関し適切な内部統制体制を構築、運用する。
    • 1)子会社の取締役等の職務の執行に係る事項の当社への報告に関する体制
    • 2)子会社の損失の危険管理に関する規程その他の体制
    • 3)子会社の取締役等の職務の執行が効率的に行われることを確保するための体制
    • 4)子会社の取締役等および使用人の職務の執行が法令および定款に適合することを確保するための体制